The Fate of Walruses at the Mercy of Climate Change
By: Caroline Tuggle Have you ever heard of walruses jumping off of cliffs? Sadly, it's actually a reality... Walruses look to segments of floating sea ice to rest and mate, but due to global warming, the abundance of these platforms are steadily diminishing . Due to the decreasing about of availability of sea ice, walruses look to the shores of beaches to rest and mate. This causes beaches to become over crowded and forces some to look elsewhere. Walruses climb up cliffs and large rocks to look for a place to rest and relax, but once they wish to come back down, they don't know how . Due to them not knowing how to safely get back down from these cliffs, they see their family and friends in the water and see the cliff as a quick route back to the sea . While they aren't wrong about the quick access, they are unaware of just how deadly and harmful the decent into the water below truly is . Another source describes witnessing a stretch of shore covered in what was e...