Removing Carbon From the Atmosphere
Vyom Gupta
Removing CO2 From the Atmosphere
The entrapment of greenhouse gases plays a big part in global warming and Carbon
Dioxide as at the forefront of this problem. As the amount of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere increases, the more we expedite the global warming process. In order to
delay the effects of carbon dioxide, we need to find temporary solutions to decrease the
amount of Carbon in the atmosphere.
In the meantime, the first solution is (used by Climeowrks and Global Thermostat)
using direct air capture devices and having them pull out CO2 from the air by sucking in lots
of air and then through a series of chemical reactions remove the CO2 and re-releasing the
air. Because CO2 is only found in one of 2,500 molecules, large volumes are going to be
needed to efficiently remove the carbon. The main idea an is industrial cooling tower
containing a liquid hydroxide solution which will capture CO₂ and convert it into carbonate.
The carbonate would then be converted into small carbon pellets. Finally, the carbon pellets
will be heated in a kiln and transformed into pure carbon dioxide gas, which can be turned
into synthetic fuel.
The second main solution is a synthetic forest. The primary advantage to a synthetic
forest is that it requires much less land for an equivalent amount of work. The Amazon is
capable of capturing 1.6 billion tons of CO2 each year. This is roughly equal to 25 percent of
our annual emissions in the US. The land area required for a synthetic forest to capture the
same is 500 times smaller. In addition, for a synthetic forest, you don't have to build it on
arable land, so there's no competition with farmland or food, and there's also no reason to
have to cut down any real trees to do this. Basically, we are turning atmospheric CO2 into
As a global community, it is important that we try to reduce carbon emissions in our
own lives and try to support these large projects aimed at reducing the carbon concentration
in the atmosphere in order to keep our environment healthy.
Works Cited:
I really like the idea of having these two methods available to convert our CO2 emissions into something useful, and at the same time, reduce the carbon dioxide emmisions. The efficiency of these two methods is well worth it, but even though using gigantic air capture devices seems unreasonable and a huge hassle to create, it is well worth it to save our Earth from heating up and destroying habitats.
Adam Ghanem
Yashu Pindi