Garbage Patches in the Ocean
Delaney Pecky

    Imagine the entire state of Texas covered in garbage. Now double that. That is how much trash has accumulated in the part of the ocean called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This patch is located in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii and is the largest of the five garbage patches found in the ocean. Each year over one ton of plastic goes into the ocean through other bodies of water, including rivers, lakes, and streams. The plastic accumulated in this patch is estimated to weigh 80,000 tons and continues to grow.

These five garbage patches are caused by ocean gyres (rotating ocean currents) that collects all the trash in large areas of the ocean. Fishing gear, plastic bottles, and other litter that contributes to these patches has a big impact on marine life. These animals can get trapped, caught, and injured from the debris. Fishing nets in these gyres can trap fish or wrap around other animals and potentially kill them. Not only can animals get caught in the debris, but they can also digest it. If animals eat this it can be harmful to their health and other animals in their food web. The chemicals released from the plastic can contaminate the water and cause harm to the animals and plants.

Marine debris not only has impacts on marine life but also on human life. Boats and other vessels could get caught in the debris because it is often hard to see it under the surface of the ocean. Vessels can also be damaged from certain trash such as nets that can get caught in the propellers. Scientists have also been investigating the effect of these garbage patches on human health. Different toxins have been found in fish in the ocean and endanger humans. One toxin, diethylhexyl phthalate, which is found in some plastic materials, can cause cancer along with other toxins that can also be linked to birth defects, childhood development issues, and immune disorders.


If we continue to litter and throw waste into our bodies of water this problem will only become worse. The garbage patches will continue to grow and cause more environmental, navigation, and health issues. To help prevent this from happening, people need to be more educated about this topic to help change the habits that cause these patches. People need to start doing more to help protect the ocean and marine life. We can help by not littering, removing trash from the ground to prevent run off debris, and help clean shorelines and coastal areas. If we ignore this problem, it will have detrimental effects on not only ocean life but human life as well.

What are some ways you can change your habits to prevent ocean debris?
What should humans do to help prevent this issue?
Do you think the government should be more involved in removing this debris?


Anonymous said…
It’s so sad to see the impact that human carelessness has had on oceanic environments. The sheer amount of garbage that has accumulated in our oceans is astounding, and it makes it clear that we should start doing something to change our habits. I saw an interesting ad the other day for edible packaging for food and drinks that we buy. The packaging, especially for tetrapacks of drinks, is made entirely out of wheat and other edible/biodegradable materials. So, this means that if marine life were to get tangled in it, they could simply feed on the packaging instead of trying to nibble on plastic and getting it stuck in their digestive system. This same invention was applied to bags, boxes, fishing lines, and other typically dangerous items. If we continue to create new ways to deal with the issue, we could hopefully reduce the amount of garbage polluting out oceans.
Anonymous said…
Consumers can potentially have a tremendous impact in reducing the amount of plastic waste disposed in the ocean, which inevitably results in the accumulation of trash like in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. For example consumers can attempt to utilize less single use disposable plastic like keeping reusable grocery bags and using a refillable water bottle in order to reduce plastic waste on an individual basis. Furthermore, consumers can be more selective by only specifically choosing products that come with less plastic packaging. Not only can consumers also volunteer to aid in the effort to clean up trash and plastic waste washed up on beaches that detrimentally can effect marine life, but consumers can also ensure that they recycle ant single use plastic that they used and that they could take the time to cut the loops on plastic materials that potentially could entangle marine life. Although there are cleanup efforts that can hopefully reduce the size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, consumers can aid in minimizing the amount of plastic waste that they would produce and they can prevent the accumulation of trash in the ocean like in garbage patches. (Source:
Anonymous said…
I think that the government should be more involved in clearing the garbage patch. The effects of the garbage patch are extremely detrimental, expecially to wildlife. There are many posts about some animal who was trapped or killed by garbage, but very little action to put an end to the issue. Consumers can act to prevent more garbage, but only the government can fix the garbage patch that is already there.
Anonymous said…
While these patches are shaped by ocean gyres, the real underlying cause of the enormous accumulation of junk in the ocean is simply human litter. As the source of the problem, however, humans also have the power to create solutions and decrease the impact these patches have on ocean life. Garbage patches in the oceans are the result of human consumption and waste. Consumers can decrease their waste and rectify the issues it caused by simply creating less of it. By using environmentally-sourced, reusable products (eg. reusable water bottles and canvas bags), instead of single-use items, such as plastic water bottles and straws, humans can decrease their output of waste and therefore help solve the problem of ocean garbage patches. In general, humans/consumers can choose sustainable, low-waste options over single-use products to decrease the negative impact humans have upon our environment and ecological communities.
Anonymous said…
It makes me so angry to see how the carelessness of our waste treatment has led to literal islands of trash. What I don’t understand, however, is why nothing has been done and why there has been no major breakthroughs in getting rid of these patches. I remember seeing new technologies being created that captured plastic in the ocean, but have heard nothing of the successes anyone has had in getting rid of these disgusting things. I just hope the reason isn’t because nobody is caring enough to try and get rid of these things.
Anonymous said…
It is really sad to see that people create oceans full of trash just due to pure laziness or carelessness. I believe the simpliest way for humans to decrease the amount of trash we produce is simply by using recyclable methods. Plastic bags can be reused for multiple purposes, buying one refillable water bottle to decrease plastic water bottles being thrown away, and many other basic methods of recycling. I believe that the government should be more involved because, based on the amount of trash accumulating, the government is not really concerned about the trash islands. If the government pushes more ideas on recycling, the citizens must follow suite, resulting in less trash overall.
Anonymous said…
This happening really shows the long standing impacts of a human’s wastefull non-conservative nature. We are so wastefull that we are creating islands of trash just becuase humans are to lazy to take care of the mess that they created. We can do better by only specifically choosing products that come with less plastic packaging. Not only can consumers also volunteer to aid in the effort to clean up trash and plastic waste washed up on beaches that detrimentally can effect marine life, but consumers can also ensure that they recycle plastic that they used and that they could take the time to cut the loops on plastic materials .However we can work to change this forever, by taking these steps.
Anonymous said…
It is ashaming and disappointing to see how human carelessness has led to such deplorable conditions in nature. Being too lazy or apathetic towards our impact on the environment, we have allowed entire islands of trash to form in our oceans. Directly due to our laziness, hundreds of thousands of organisms are hurt, killed, or otherwise negatively impacted by the unnatural formation of trash lumps in the ocean. I believe that with stricter government action, we can control what we dump into our ocean and either filter or cut back on the garbage we let out. By taking a conscious effort to control our waste, we can help improve the health of our ocean ecosystems drastically.
Anonymous said…
With so much trash and litter entering our ocean every year, the problem of preventing and reducing marine debris is an urgent challenge that we must meet to preserve the health of our ocean. There are many ways we can make a difference. We should bring our own reusable cup for morning coffees or lattes because disposable cups commonly end up as marine debris. Additionally, we can also avoid products with excess packaging. Instead, buy fresh and local. Reducing excess packaging and plastics reduces marine debris. Lastly, we should bring our own reusable bags not only to the grocery store, but to all stores to reduce the use of paper and plastic bags. Marine debris can kill and injure marine wildlife through ingestion and entanglement, disperse invasive species, endanger human health, cause damage to shipping vessels, and hurt businesses and tourism by polluting our beaches and coastline. Plastic debris is especially threatening because of its ability to absorb and concentrate toxic pollutants. With all this in mind, let us take up arms and take action to help reduce ocean debris!
Anonymous said…
As human populations continue to accumulate waste, this phenomenon is causing serious detriments to the environment. Personally, I could begin reducing the amount of debris that I use on a regular basis. Additionally, others can adopt a zero waste lifestyle which would help this problem decrease. However, governments and corporations need to take an active role in reducing debris in the ocean. When corporations produce products, they are responsible for the packaging of the product. When consumers buy these particular products, they are now held responible for its management. Therefore, corporations play a major role in the production of waste and governments could help enforce that. If governments began regulating corporations and offering tax breaks to companies who reduced waste, then countries could solve these major environmental crises.
Anonymous said…
As the world population continues to increase this issue will grow and grow, like the garbage patches. I believe this is an issue that concerns the whole world and not just the the United States. Therefore, I believe that governments should be involved, but not just the United States on its own. Japan, for example, should make a contribution as their waste is making a direct contribution towards the patch. I’ve always known about the patches but, like most environmental issues, I’ve heard little about how to solve it. The biggest thing is that we have to stop dumping waste in the ocean and start protecting are marine ecosystems.
Caroline Tuggle said…
I actually just watched Wall-E with some friends and seeing the amount of human trash and waste that was left really made me think of just how much damage we are doing to our environment. I know the the government has hundreds of things to worry about, but human waste is something that effects the entire world and I believe that its disposal needs to be paid attention to more than it currently is. I knew we were disposing of everything somehow, but putting a name to the action made it all the more real and relivent. While finding a place to store waste is an issue that needs to be solved, the ocean is not an acceptable place to do so no matter what.
Anonymous said…
Since taking aquatic science last year, I've become increasingly aware of the impact that humans have on our oceans. The fact that there are huge sections of our oceans filled with trash is insane. I know it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible to remove the debris that's already there, so change has to start on land. I know that several cities are banning plastic bags and I think that's just the start. I think that the government should place strict laws on plastic and its disposal. This is becoming a problem that will be irreversible. We need to act now and fast.
Anonymous said…
It is very sad to see that the impact of our actions can cause such great harm to marine wildlife. I believe that it could be cleaned tho especially since the garbage patch is so closely clumped together. With some effort and a good amount of money we can devise a way to clean it up and it is our duty to do so since we created the mess in the first place.
Unknown said…
When I first heard about islands of just floating trash in middle school, I was shocked to hear that they even existed! I remember quickly looking up images upon images of literal islands of trash just like how there were islands of land. I think us as a society should shift our attitudes upon trash as something thats so far away; the problem is growing at exponential rates and we should be gearing our attention to this as well as other environmental issues. This felt like something that was never going to be relevant in my life, but even as I walk home from school I can see the effects of trash in water. I remember two instances of this happening: a turtle and a duck with plastic ties around their necks. I was luckily able to take the turtle's off, but it was unfortunate to see the duck was already asphyxiated to death. The effect is absolutely detrimental and we should begin to take serious action to stop these events from happening before they eventually effect us so negatively as well.
Anonymous said…
When I first heard about islands of just floating trash in middle school, I was shocked to hear that they even existed! I remember quickly looking up images upon images of literal islands of trash just like how there were islands of land. I think us as a society should shift our attitudes upon trash as something thats so far away; the problem is growing at exponential rates and we should be gearing our attention to this as well as other environmental issues. This felt like something that was never going to be relevant in my life, but even as I walk home from school I can see the effects of trash in water. I remember two instances of this happening: a turtle and a duck with plastic ties around their necks. I was luckily able to take the turtle's off, but it was unfortunate to see the duck was already asphyxiated to death. The effect is absolutely detrimental and we should begin to take serious action to stop these events from happening before they eventually effect us so negatively as well.
Anonymous said…
It is really sad the situation that we are in with our pollution and the very large impact that it can have on our environment. Sadly the truth is that we could have done a lot to make sure that this did not happen as we have many conservation methods put in to make sure that this does not continue to take place. Conservation must be nessesary so we can solve this problem for ever.
Anonymous said…
It is truly sad that our oceans have degraded this way. The most effective way that we can remedy this issue is through a grass roots movement with everyday consumers. However, this simple seeming solution is not easy to come by. Many consumers hate change, any reduction in plastic usages will lead to a large backlash of people refusing to use less plastic. They would argue, “i have the RIGHT to use whatever i want and the government can’t do anything. ‘MURICA!!!”
Anonymous said…
It is devastating to see how careless we are when it comes to the environment and how impactful that is. If we continue to pollute the ecosystem, the destruction is going to increase exponentially while the natural recovery rates are overridden by it. I think that it is very important that we raise awareness, not only addressing the issue but encouraging action. It is crucial that the government and corporations enforce conservation of the environment and that we start to take a step in reducing the debris in the ocean. We need to take responsibility in our waste because we are the ones using these products/industries. The effects would be very detrimental if we don’t begin in looking at ways to save these habitats/sites.
Anonymous said…
Litter is such a major problem in many aspects of our enrionment. It’s unfortunate people can’t learn how to pick up after themselves. Plastic and other forms of trash are dangerous to marine life and we need to take action to reduce our waste, as well as find efficient ways to elimate trash and litter from our oceans.
Anonymous said…
People are so unaware of how humans pollution leads to oceanic pollution. Since it’s something we can’t see, we don’t realize it and therefore don’t do anything to amend it. Oceanic pollution is such a big problem because of the damage it does to marine ecosystems. So many animals in the oceans suffer because of the amount of pollution in their homes. Animals often get caught in the garbage and small bacteria and phytoplankton are not able to perform the necessary photosynthesis because the garbage in the ocean prevents sunlight from reaching these bacteria. The most important and immediate thing we can do is reduce the amount of plastic we use to reduce the amount of plastic that goes into the oceans. Plastic is undoubtedly the biggest cause of this problem and it needs to be remediated. We also need to raise awareness for this problem because many people don’t even think about this.
Anonymous said…
It's unfortunate that people throw away things mindlessly without thinking of their impact on the earth. But everyone is stuck in the mentality of "out of sight, out of mind". They cannot predict the results of their actions in the forseeable future, so they dismiss their actions as harmless. Plastic is one of the biggest materials found in anthropogenic waste: watter bottles, shampoo bottles, trash bags, and so many more.
J No said…
Its really amazing to see just how much waste we produce on a consistent basis. I personally never paid much attention to it and I never knew that it was becoming such a huge problem. The increase in population will only fuel the amount of waste created and greater parts of the world become more industrialized, this problem will only become larger. Changes need to be made now even if its starting with the waste we produce at home. I think more people need to alerted to this looming threat and act accordingly
Anonymous said…
I never knew we as a species produced so much waste consistently. Personally, me and my family keeps track about how wasteful we are, and try to constantly reduce it. As the human population continues to grow at an exponential rate, our waste also continues to increase at such a fast rate. Developed countries have procedures and regulations to reduce our waste, but developing countries need our help to help eliminate their waste.
Anonymous said…
I never knew how great the garbage patch was. After you put into context how large it was, I was honestly shocked. Waste has always been stressed at my house. We are mindful of how much waste we produce, and we try to recycle as much as we can. If we don’t fix this problem soon, it will get out of hand— it already has started to increase, but environmental issues never hit the main screens of news reports. There should be global regulation about recycling and garbage control. It’s not a one country’s issue— its a global issue.
Jibran Khalil said…
Often, we imagine garbage as evenly distributed, or, if clumped, at some center like a garbage disposal center. However, after your blog, I've realized there definitely are large accumulations of trash throughout the ocean. Within my household, we try to mitigate waste to ensure that we won't throw away too much. We have a recycling bin, and ensure that we also don't throw away too much food. This garbage patch is made up of so much plastic; if larger companies reduce their reliance on plastic materials, huge clumps of garbage like this would largely be reduced. Overall, I'm surprised at how much garbage has accumulated in one area and believe action must be taken immediately.
Anonymous said…
We as a human species produce so much waste and I feel that this can greatly be reduced by simply keeping in mind how much waste can be reduced just be reducing the amount of resources used in packaging. Changes made even if its starting with the waste we produce at home can make a very significant impact on the total garbage produced on a large scale. I feel that this issue needs to be talked about more as it should be discussed more widely for how large the impact it has is. I also feel that plastic is the main contributor to this waste and one way it can be reduced is by reducing the number of shopping bags which could be a very simple fix by simply using paper bags or cloth as an alternative.
Anonymous said…
As a global community each person and each nation needs to be mindful of the garbage produced. Knowing that just throwing the trash away doesn’t mean it had magically disappeared, we need everyone to understand that the amount of trash we produce has long lasting effects to the environment. I think all nations should set up a system of quotas to reduced the amount of trash produced per capita. Another thing all nations should invest in is going out and sending groups of people to go help clean up and reduce the amount of trash in the large gyres. We just need people to be more aware of how harmful their wasting of plastics is.
Anonymous said…
I’ve always been raised to throw away my trash and never litter. My mom is very environmentally conscience and while I’d like to say adopted that I’m not the best at putting the environment over convinience. While I don’t litter I use styrofoam and light plastics that can easily find its way to the ocean. I need to stop doing that to help the environment heal. People should be more educated on the consequences of litering. Many know its not good for the environment but they should be forced to face the extent of the damage they can cause. Furthermore, the government should play a bigger role in helping clean this garbage patch. It’s a threat to its citizens and marine life and should consequently work to get it clean.
Anonymous said…
To have seen recent developments in biodegradable spoons and forks made from avocado pits. While of course this would cost more and many bigger companies would not be willing to switch and lose profit, it could be a option to lessen our impact upon the ocean. There have been a few smaller restaurants and food stands that have switched to these new silverware but there is still much to be done to help the oceans.
-Adam ghanem
Anonymous said…
It is very unfortunate to see that the impact of our actions can cause such great harm to marine wildlife. However, I believe that it could be cleaned if efforts are put forth to better the conditions. With effort and a good amount of money, it is possible to clean up our mess and combat the issues present .
Anonymous said…
It is easy to disregard seemingly small actions that lead to big impacts, not only on human life but marine life as well. To prevent further damage, I think we can reduce the amount of plastic waste by opting for reusable bottles, containers, and grocery bags. Refusing single-use plastics, cups, and boxes, and swapping sandwich bags for more sustainable options can also significantly reduce impact. Finally, supporting legislation that pushes for plastic bans and volunteering at beach cleanups are also important ways to ensure that we keep the oceans clean.
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