Envision yourself in the future having to live in a confined space with little to no healthy breathing conditions, and the inability to have your own privacy. This could very soon become a reality for the world, as soon as the year 2050, as the worlds population is estimated to be anywhere between 8 to 11 billion. At this moment in time, the earth can support the current human population however it is becoming evident that this will not last very long. The growing population could potentially become the driving force behind global warming, environmental pollution, and the reduction of natural resources such as fresh water and arable land.
The potential devastating effects of over population can be shown through the present day conditions of India, Singapore, Israel, and much more of the Middle East. In India especially, the population has reached 1.3 billion and is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2030 and 1.7 billion by 2050. This massive population has led to the lack of resources and has put great pressure on the economy as a whole. Countries that struggle with overpopulation are consuming more resources than they are producing and depend on other countries to make up for their shortcomings. On top of these detrimental effects, there is also a growing gap between the rich and the poor as the number of shelters and the homeless is growing significantly.
Once the worlds population reaches around 11 billion as it is expected to by around 2100, it would be nearly impossible to reverse the devastating effects that it would cause. Climate change is one of the worlds biggest issues and would only be fueled by the increasing population as human activity is directly related to the changing climate. The near doubling of the worlds population would cause a huge increase in the build up of human-generated greenhouse gasses. People across the world are working their best to address this growing problem by reducing their carbon footprint by consuming less resources but these efforts will be easily overwhelmed if population growth is not controlled. In addition to these efforts, the evolving forms of technology could potentially increase the earth’s carrying capacity but the decrease in resources would still present a huge problem. These problems may not affect us in our lifetime, but it is our responsibility to give future generations a healthy planet to live in and not let our shortcomings affect their lives.
What are your thoughts regarding overpopulation, and how do you think we should address this problem?
-Adam Ghanem
System Mechanics