The Disappearance of Honey Bees Yashu Pindi

 The Disappearance of Honey Bees

Besides making honey and stinging people, honey bees also provide a vital service to agriculture- pollination. Approximately 80& of crops in the US would suffer without the help of honey bees. Honey bees provide us with a colorful, varied, and nutritious diet. Along with pollinating crops for food, they also pollinate wildflower species that make our countryside beautiful.

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One of the most amazing foods, in my opinion, is honey. Honey is a very healthy alternative to sugar. I personally use honey rather than sugar in daily things like coffee and in baking.

However, in the United States, beekeepers have seen the lifespan of bees decrease by more than half over the past decade. Scientists have linked this decrease to parasites, pesticides, and habitat loss. Recent evidence suggests that human activity such as land development, electromagnetic pollution, and the use of neonicotinoid pesticides is making it har for honey bees to reproduce. The veed are exposed to these pesticides because they are on the plants that the bees go to pollinate. Male honey bees that are exposed to concentrations of neonicotinoids produce 39 percent less living sperm to the queen bees and often the sperm they pass on is dead.

Furthermore, with the sperm being concentrated with neonicotinoids, these new bees are unhealthy and are susceptible to viruses and parasites. These bees are not able to reproduce efficiently and thus exponentially decrease the population of the next generation of bees but they also do not pollinate efficiently and decrease the number of viable crops available to us.

Image result for honey bees

The best solution to this ever-increasing problem is to not use any pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides on plants in your garden. Plants get contaminated and the product will likely reach the bees and kill them or harm their reproduction capabilities. Home gardeners should make sure the plants they are buying are not pre-treated with any pesticides. We can also help this cause in our own homes by eating organic foods that do not require the use of pesticides. Also, because of the huge decrease in numbers that the bees have already faced, we can help them by planting more plants in our yards that are available for the bees to pollinate.

What are some things you can do in your own home to help honey bees thrive?
Do you think the government can help this cause in any way?


Anonymous said…
I do agree that we all need to make changes to reduce our harmful impact on honeybees, who we tend to not acknowledge are extremely vital in agricultural growth through the pollination of crops and other plants. An easy way to help honeybees thrive is to institute an educational program that can work towards educating those around us regarding the extreme importance of honeybees, how we as a society are detrimentally affecting honeybee populations, and how to reduce our harmful impact on honeybee populations to allow them to prosper. If just a few people are educated about this issue, they can help spread the word to others in order to eventually potentially create global awareness regarding this vital issue. Furthermore, the government could potentially institute regulations regarding the amount of pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides utilized while growing crops or the government could even implement a program that would educate and encourage farmers to utilize organic fertilizers. However, the effectiveness of governmental regulation and education programs could be limited if the farmer could not afford the cost of switching from commercial chemical fertilizers to organic fertilizers. Action needs to be taken in order to ensure that honeybees are able to thrive, which we can all do even within our homes.
Anonymous said…
People often do not consider how vital bees are to our economy, pollinating numerous plants to allow for agricultural growth. Bees do work that would be equivalent to millions of dollars if humans had to do it. The least we can do is to protect the bees, allowing them to prosper and continue their work in peace. While many people are aware of the current situation with bees, we need to educate more people on how to protect them.
Anonymous said…
Most people are aware that humans are causing damage to the bee populations, but I don’t think many are aware of how they are specifically affecting their health. I think its very important to be aware of our effect on animal and insect populations, but very few people know how to translate this concern to legitimate conservation efforts. Thankfully, many of the solutions that you offered would coincide with solving other environmental issues, as well. For example, limited use of pesticides, which lessens the human impact on bee health, will also result in less runoff of chemicals into municipal bodies of water and improve water quality. Hopefully, moving forward, people will be more willing to channel their concerns for the environment into actual lifestyle adjustments.
Anonymous said…
At first, I thought bees were not important to the world because they scared me as a child. However, after reading this article, I realized that bees are important for agricultural growth and make the lives of humans easier. We should be supporting the bees becasue they make our lives easier, but all we do is try to kill them all due to our fear of bees. We need to stop harming these creatures because they provide so much for the world. We can stop this by reducing the amount of chemicals that we use in agriculture because these chemicals may harm the bee population. I believe this is the most simple and effective way for humans to save the bee population.
Anonymous said…
I completely agree. However, it is unfortunate that very few people understand the implications of the disappearance of honey bees. I believe the government has a responsibility to spread awareness about honey bees. Through the use of PSAs and public education, the government can spread information about honey bees. Personally, there are a number of things that I could do in order to improve the honey bee’s situation. For example, I could plant a bee-friendly garden, donate money to beekeepers, or protect bee habitats.
Luke Farinelli said…
I can still remember back when everyone was freaking out that the world was gonna end because of the bees dying. Although I do believe it’s still a problem, it’d be nice to have a follow up to what happened to stop the end of the world. If we changed something to stop this, I’d love to know because it’d be nice to know we can actually accomplish something.
Anonymous said…
Honey bees, without a doubt, are among the most important organisms in this world based on their immense value in multiple fields. Bees alone are responsible for a staggering 80% of agriculture, and the fact that we are using chemicals to try and speed up their progress, regardless of the effect on their health, is absolutely unacceptable. Our greedy ways in trying to make agriculture as profitable as possible have caused us to endanger the survival of one of the most productive organisms on our planet that provide a service for free. The government must look to research more into GMO’s or extensive organic farming in order to try and avoid the usage of dangerous chemicals that can harm bees.
Anonymous said…
I actually wrote a paper on this not too long ago. Honey bees are absolutely crucial in food production. After all, we consume the byproduct of bee+floral sex. The honeybees are dying off and dying early. The business greed to produce more and not better led to this. When farmers truly loved the land and farmed, attentive to every small need to their crops, the mass use of herbicides and pesticides were not needed. This stemmed from a human greed problem, and we ought to fix it.
Anonymous said…
I never knew bees were so crucial to our environment and agriculture. This is sad that we are killing off the bees that we need to rely on for our food. We need to take measures to conserve the bees and protect their environment.
Anonymous said…
Honey bees are vital to agriculture. Without these pollinators, our crops would fail to produce fruit, and generations of crops would be jeopardized. While these bees are subject to chemical abuses by those that rely on them, such as pesticides and other toxins, their continued health is of utmost importance. Human greed has affected the world around us negatively.
Anonymous said…
Bees alone are responsible for a staggering 80% of agriculture, and the fact that we are using chemicals to try and speed up their progress, regardless of the effect on their health, is absolutely unacceptable. This extensive fall in bee population shows how narrow minded and greedy the corporate farmers can be. They are throwing away their future in the industry by using tactics such as this to make sure that their short term profits are good while not taking into consideration the future.
Anonymous said…
Bees and other pollinating insects play an essential role in ecosystems. A world without pollinators would be devastating for food production. Any progress in transforming the current destructive chemical-intensive agricultural system into an ecological farming system will have many associated benefits on other dimensions of the environment and on human food security. As an alternative, a model based on ecological farming methods could ensure food production and avoid the negative impacts outlined above. Scientific studies discussed in this report show that the implementation of ecological farming is feasible and in fact the only solution to the ever-increasing problems associated with industrial agriculture. Ecological farming, which includes some organic agricultural methods, promotes biodiversity on farmland and supports the restoration of semi-natural habitat on farms as ecological compensation areas for bees and other wildlife. Ecological farming does not rely on the use of synthetic chemical pesticides and herbicides and, thereby, safeguards bees from toxic effects of these agrochemicals. Thus, through these steps we can help save bees.
Anonymous said…
In passing, people tend to disregard bugs (but especially bees) as an annoyance and inumportant to our daily lives. However, you have shown that even though they may cause us some annoyance, they serve a very large purpose and are part of the reason that humans can exist on this planet. I think that, going forward, people should be more mindful that every animal (small or large) has a place in this ecosystem for a reason, so we should not break the chain.
Anonymous said…
One way that the bee crisis can be slaved is through ROBOT BEES. Curently these bees are being developed in order to replace or at least supplement the declining bee populations. These Robot Bees are essentially small drones that have a sticky substance on the underside of which picks up pollen and distributed the pollen to other plants. However, the drones aren’t the end all be all solution to the crisis, for many plants such as almond trees each and every fruit must be pollinated, making the robot pollination process increasingly difficult and problematic for these robot bees.
Anonymous said…
In my backyard be we have three beautiful trees that bloom with flowers during the summer time. Usually you can’t walk out their without seeing dozens of bees of all different shapes and sizes flying from tree to tree. I think people can help make the world a better place for bees by providing safe places for nectar for bees. Not only will this help the environment it will spruce up their backyard. Local governments can play a big role in helping with this. Near my house is a small tree farm in the public park. Once all the trees grow up the trees are given away for free so people can be more environmentally freindly. Then volunteers get to work planting trees again. The government could support foundations like this specifically for trees that provide nectar for bees.
Anonymous said…
While many people are afraid of bees and other insects regardless of if they're pollinators or not, they are essential to our ecosystem whether they like it or not . They also don't realize that bees are not out to attack us, but simply defend themselves when they feel threatened. Bees are important in not only pollination but also just our entire ecosystem in general. Some human actions are harming the bee population as you said, and I really hope that we change our ways sooner rather than later so that we don't wipe the majority or even the entirety of their population out .
Anonymous said…
Most people usually regard Bees as scary things that chase behind people making a buzzing noise. The fact of the matter is that bees are usually relaxed animals who do more than just scare people. Bees do so much for the environment, they allow for pollination and the spread of seeds and plants when they go searching for pollen. Bees also provide commonly used household ingredients (honey) which provides a large industry in the global economy. It is nessecary that we try to preserve bee populations due to the fact that they play such a large role in in the ecosystem and the global economy.
Anonymous said…
As stated, honey bees are incredib;y important for pollination. Without pollination lots of crops would die. To help with this issue the government should be strict regulations on how plants are taken care of before distribution. These plants are often covered with pesticides to keep away pests and any other insects. Therefore, if less pesticides are present, more and more honey Bees will be allowed to thrive.
Anonymous said…
Bees are sometimes seen as nuisances to many people's lives, but in reality, bees are incredibly important for pollination. Pollination is essential to crops, to help spread their seeds. They also provide households ingredients such as honey, which is also a huge industry. Therefore, bees play a large role in the global economy and the ecosystem. To keep the bees alive, the government should have regulations on pesticides, which hurts them.
Mallory Odom said…
My mom used to have a garden before we moved to Flower Mound and she taught me about the importance of bees in pollination and how they were crucial for a successful garden. Bees are a perfect example of a book you shouldn't judge by its cover. Bees are incredibly important in our ecosystem and the environment would suffer greatly if people continue to lack appreciation for bees and the work they do.
Jibran Khalil said…
Too often, we view bees as negative parts of our lives that merely sting and destroy. However, this could be further from the truth; bees are critical in sustaining habitats and nurturing our ecosystems. As you mentioned, their pollination provides support for different types of plants and ensures that seeds can be spread to different areas. Also, bees also provide honey which is critical to different animals for survival. As you mentioned, the bee population is unfortunately often tampered with; through government regulation, however, I believe we can reduce the damage done to bees while ensuring they proliferate and help sustain ecosystems.
Anonymous said…
This is so enlightening! Bees play a very important role in the environment, as pollinators. Without them, a lot of crops and agriculture will be destroyed. Then, creating a chain reaction, the ecosystem as a whole will eventually meet its deterioration. I think it is very important to spread awareness about this situation before it gets any worse. (For example, The Bee Movie was a funny and iconic way to display the hard work of the bees and how crucial they are to the environment.) With the governmental regulation on the use/growth of bees and honey, I think it will be possible to reduce the consequences. Even though they may be scary or a bother, these little creatures have a huge role that no other insect can fulfill.
Anonymous said…
I think that people often forget how important honeybees are. Without them, a lot of crops would be doomed. I’m not the one in charge of my yard, but my dad works with plants for a living and I’m sure he’s using products that have the least negative impact. It’s important to look out for bees, even on a small scale. It’s scary to think about what would happen if we didn’t have their help
Anonymous said…
A lot of people see a bee and think they should kill it because they are bad and sting us. People don’t really realize how important bees are to our environment and how much it would change if they were no longer here. It’s extrmeley important to help protect bees so they can continue to pollinate and help crops grow. The government should do something more about this because without bees a lot of crops would fail.
Anonymous said…
A way that we and the government could help solve this problem is limit the amount of pesticides that can be used in a garden. Though this would help the bees, it would be very hard to implement because there is no sure way to keep everyone in check without having regular check ups (which would not be possible). This would also be hard for farms because it would probably lead to crops dying. Maybe limiting the concentration of these pesticides on farms could help the bees but the solution seems to be more complex than it seems on hand.
-Adam ghanem
Anonymous said…
Although people just see bugs as inconveniences I think it's really cool how this post talks about the severe impact even just a bug can have on the environment. Bees are so important to plant and crop growth and these would most likely not even be possible without bees. I think it's important that more steps are taken to keep them safe such as limiting pesticides should be done because of how essential bees actually are.
Anonymous said…
Honey bees provide function for many ecosystems and are incredib;y important for their success. Without them lots of crops would die. To help with this issue, I think the government should place strict regulations on how plants are taken care of prior to distribution. These plants are often covered with pesticides to keep away pests and any other insects. Therefore, if less pesticides are present, more and more honey Bees will be allowed to thrive. Bees are crucial to a working environment and without them we are I’m danger.
Anonymous said…
Honey bees play a very important role in environmental and economic aspects. Synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides are harmful to bees. Using these pesticides in gardens not only keep bees away, but also endanger their lives. If you must treat your garden, opt for organic pesticide options and spray at night when pollinators are least active. Or use beneficial insects such as praying mantises and ladybugs in your garden. Avoid chemicals belonging to the neonicotinoid family at all costs, as they are especially harmful to bees.
Anonymous said…
When most people think of bees they think of common pests that come to buzz around us an annoy us, but many people fail to realize that they are also an essential part of the world. Since the last century, the number of bees have been drastically decreasing due to things such as pest control and other means of destroying hives. As a society we must discontinue the use of harmful chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides in our neighborhood to let bees prosper and return to their former glory. After all, we don’t want a Black Mirror scenario!
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Chanchal said…

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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
Download Norton Mobile Security and Antivirus application that can shield your records from getting affected from any online malware or contamination norton setup product key.Norton Security norton install with product key offers high-grade sophisticated protection for multiple devices such as computers, Mac, iPhone, tablets, Android devices, etc.
Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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Kashish said…
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