Mason Jar Maniacs
The average American throws out approximately 4.4 pounds of trash per day. With this in mind, many Americans are joining the zero waste movement, a movement in which people are cutting out disposable packaging, making a commitment to reusable products. With a little bit of creativity, joining the zero-waste movement can be a lot easier than it sounds.

One popular zero waste Instagram blog, Zero Waste Collective, helps people that are new to the zero waste lifestyle slowly transition into a waste free life. The blog talks about how going into the zero waste lifestyle too fast will ultimately lead to failure from burnout. The blog emphasizes that it’s okay to not go completely zero waste, but that even small lifestyle adjustments have a huge impact on the environment.
Here are 4 easy ways that you can live a zero-waste lifestyle, or at least get started:
- Invest in reusable items: this means preparing your own meals (which saves a lot of money), carry your own BPA-free water bottle, having your own reusable utensils for those places with only plastic spoons/forks, and keeping mason jars for just about anything!
- Bring your own bags: although this is obvious, it’s sometimes an inconvenience. If you forget to bring your own bags, you can reuse the plastic or paper bags! You can use them as trash can liners, pets’ poop bags, or even use them as your reusable bags for next time!
- Buy in bulk: with the zero-waste movement becoming increasingly popular, bulk stores are popping up everywhere in order to help reduce single-use packaging consumption.
- Meal prep and grocery shopping: Smart meal prepping is calculating how much food you consume in one day or a week, and writing your grocery list accordingly. By doing this, you reduce the risk of buying too much food that could go bad in your fridge or pantry.
Many people would argue that the attention and detail a zero-waste lifestyle requires outweighs the environmental impact, and while it may seem like that, there are actually several benefits to adopting a zero waste lifestyle: it reduces our climate impact, conserves resources, minimizes pollution, creates jobs, and allows business to play a key role in the effort to save the environment.
Although a zero-waste lifestyle may be a little bit more time consuming, consider it an investment in our future. We put a little bit of time and effort towards it now, and we will be able to preserve the Earth for much longer.
Does the thought of adopting a zero-waste lifestyle interest you? What could you do to help cut down your contribution to the US' landfills?
-Adam Ghanem
A zero waste lifestyle is no doubt a very difficult task but in reality it is true lily unattainable. There will never be a way for a single person to completely contribute no waste at all. However it is the mindset that matters really. If everyone created as little waste as possible than the world would greatly benefit.
Jibran Khalil